Thursday, October 30, 2008

Raya Open House

Our division (together with Legal) hosted our annual Hari Raya Open House yesterday. It is our culture for each division to host their Open House during Raya and this year is no exception. For the past week, we have been savoring delicacies from other divisions and yesterday, it was our turn to 'gotong-royong' to decorate the place and prepare the food (not all though, 'cos the main food are catered).

Below some pics to share on the decor and food....

These tartlets are made by my colleagues....many were involved, including male colleagues :)

Lebanese style cooking - lamb. It's tender soft

and nasi briyani + ayam

Doing my job as a 'favour' giver, somehow, was caught in action by my colleague.

Relaxing after the event...

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