Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Anne Musikschule

Recently, I've enrolled Jaden into Anne musikschule. The class was highly recommended by a mother who sends her daughter to the Yamaha JMC class, which Ryan attends. Since Jaden is too young to start the JMC course (and also I prefer not to sit through the same JMC course for Jaden for 2 years!), I thought it would be good to try another program.

Anne musikschule uses the German word, which reflects the use of Orff Schulwork, a music-teaching approach developed by German composer Carl Orff (1895-1982), the man who created Carmina Burana. Orff’s approach was based on the belief that the easiest method of teaching music to children is to draw out the student’s inherent attraction for rhythm and melody and allow these to develop in natural ways.

One of the more popular courses is Music and Movement using the Orff Schulwork approach.

Apart from learning music at the centre, all students are expected to be involved in the many performances and activities that are held throughout the year. These performances range from ensembles to charity concerts. Most of these concerts aim to raise funds for the less fortunate. The centre wants the students to feel that by being part of charity concerts and fund raising activities, they can contribute at a young age to the less fortunate. Besides the Music and Movement course, the centre offers courses on stringed instruments (violin, viola and cello), harp, xylophone, piano, guitar (classical, electric or acoustic), drums, keyboards, as well as vocal training, and a rock music school.

1 comment:

Mommy to Chumsy said...

thanks for sharing. this is very interesting. so is jaden enjoying himself at the class?