Saturday, August 05, 2006

Ryan's Birthday Party! (Finally)

Ok, time for the long awaited Ryan's party post (before I forget all the details... which is already starting to happen).

Date: 23 July 2006
Time: 12:30pm or so
Location: Tropicana
Invited Guests: About 40+ adults (mostly friends and anyone that we could think of that had kids!!) and 20 kids
Weather: Started to pour after a while (unfortunately for those who came late ;))

Started decorating the place up with his Thomas Banner and baloons. Also picked up the cake. Yes! It did look like the photo :)

Unfortunately, Krystal didn't take pictures of the decoration or anything and so I only have the shots from my video cam :( can't post those here. In the end, I had to run around and take the pictures as well as the video!!! too much..... :P

Overall, lots of fun and great food. Thankfully we had enough food and even leftoevers (which we ate for dinner!!)

Here are some shots of the party - don't know how to do a slideshow yet.. (and too lazy to learn) so will post it the hard way.

And now the aftermath.... Ryan and his presents :D


the Princess~ said...

that's the fanciest cake I've ever seen!! ^_^

good job! love the pictures.

Jason said...

Hehe... yeah... Krystal found it from a church friend. Apparently this Lilian is quite famous for her cakes.

Overall, the cake was so-so only lah... all show :)

But Ryan loved the Thomas lah.

KC Yuen said...

Looks like you'll soon need a room for all those presents. Guess who ate Thomas :D

the Princess~ said...

lol I don't mind! sooo leng. I wonder what other cakes she's got!